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Is your business ready for Google’s mobile first indexing ? What is mobile first indexing and how does it relate to SEO ?

Mobile-first indexing simply means that Google has begun using the mobile version of a page for indexing and ranking, to better help primarily mobile – users find what they’re looking for.

In the past, desktop version of a page’s content via Google would be crawled,  indexed, and ranked.  So when mobile searchers view a desktop landing page that is vastly different from the mobile version, this may cause issues for such users .

Google will continue to have one single index that will be used for serving search results. Google do not have a “mobile-first index” that’s separate from their main index. Historically, the desktop version was indexed, but increasingly, Google will be using the mobile versions of content instead of desktop versions.

Is your business’ website mobile friendly ?

Please use the following test – https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly

For further information, see link below:
